Monday, December 13, 2010

frivoloty, recent digital sketches

Photos of actual cats in actual sweaters were too adorable to pass up.

Charmander, since even though I haven't played Pokemon in forever, they are fun to draw.

Fan art of Trolls from MSPA

Recent Digital Paintings

The first is a shirt illustration for a new band. I'm excited for them! The method was cell shading for the screen printing process, and it's not my normal way of working so it's weaker than I'd like but they are very happy with it.

This next one is a private commission, the female character designed by the client


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Pen Drawings

A couple shows I'm trying to get in need original pieces. So - ballpoint pen drawings!! More to come.

Tropical Fairy

I'm entering my first big convention at the end of October, so I'm working on a bunch of new pieces on a more straight forward fantasy bent. I wanted to do a shot of a small section of forest for a while. People have suggested the fairy looks poisonous.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Center Ring

Old-timey circus motifs, jesters, clown worms!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Bad Part of Town

Wanted to take an environment sketch to a higher level. Turned out in to a metal-rendering-fest but it was really fun. 

Pen Drawings

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

New Piece - Cave Dragon

Something needs to go in the lower left corner but that'll have to wait for some other time. I think I'm burnt out on dragons for the time being and want to get to work on some pen drawings.

I think I hit an 'upgrade' point, and definately want to do more paintings with the understanding I've learned. but I need to step away from the computer for awhile.

Friday, April 9, 2010

New Paintings

Thunderbolts 1-5

These are from an old Marvel script I'm drawing for my portfolio of penciled comic pages, which I'd love to do! 

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Laughing Mander Toy

I whipped up a design for a mander toy for Patchtogether. I'd really love it if people want one!

Fan Art Painting

My geekdom knows no bounds. A bust painting of some guys from the anime Neon Genesis Evangelion, and two guys from DC's Blackest Night arc. Super fun!


Inspired by the ridiculous flash game Robot Unicorn Attack. Sometimes a girl just wants rainbows and unicorns.